In order to implement (or try at least) a map editor using Qt and SFML, I implemented the QSFMLCanvas as described in the tutorial
http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.6/graphics-qt.php and
http://becomingindiedev.blogspot.fr/2013/10/qt-5-and-sfml-20-integration.html (for sfml 2.X integration). It works well when I use it in a simple container.
But now I would like the user to be able to open several maps at the same time, using tabs. So I simply have a QTabWidget in which I add the opened qsfmlcanvas. Each time I open one, a have a small flickering effect just when the qsfmlcanvas appears. I also have this flickering effect sometimes when I change tab, here again when the qsfmlcanvas appears.
It is not a "big" problem, but still it's quite ugly and it hurts my eyes each time i open a new map.
I know it may not ne a pure SFML problem, but it is also not a pure Qt problem, so here I am... Do you have any idea of what may cause this flickering, and how to fix it ?
Thank you in advance