Let say dozen of pixels. I investigated to understand. The problem comes from the window size. I added the following lines in my code :
std::cout << "desktopMode = \t" << desktopMode.width << "x" << desktopMode.height << " px" << std::endl;
std::cout << "window.getSize = \t" << window.getSize().x << "x" << window.getSize().y << " px" << std::endl;
Same code executed twice provides the following output (remember I'm working in full screen).
Starting /home/philippe/sources/sfml_tutorial/part_003/bin/part_003...
desktopMode = 1920x1080 px
window.getSize = 1855x1056 px
/home/philippe/sources/sfml_tutorial/part_003/bin/part_003 exited with code 0
Starting /home/philippe/sources/sfml_tutorial/part_003/bin/part_003...
desktopMode = 1920x1080 px
window.getSize = 1920x1080 px
/home/philippe/sources/sfml_tutorial/part_003/bin/part_003 exited with code 0
Hum hum ... strange ... Any idea ?