Little update, we are currently working on the GUI. This part we are talking about releasing as a library sometime in the future. We have implemented the custom headerbar, menubar, toolbar, footer, buttons, labels, checkboxes, textboxes and other little bits and bobs. Our main GUI programmer is fiddling with the sfml source to see if he can fix the getDesktopMode to work properly on windows. Fingers crossed he finds a work around.
Here is a screenshot of the the start of the gui. The footer currently lets you know where the mouse is on screen x,y coordinates, but i stupidly hid the mouse while taking the screenshot. Also as it was taken on windows the getDesktopMode button for resizing to fit the screen is hidden.
Once we have the tilemap implemented we will add a box with a list view to select the tile to drag and drop to the grid. This should be done by the end of next week. I will make a video to show the menubar working in the next few days when i find some time.
We currently have only one theme the dark theme, but are looking to make it fully customizable for the end user. This will be done later. I just hate light themes so we chose a dark one as we are the ones currently using it. Also sorry its not more exciting, just a layout screenshot.