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Author Topic: Tetris in C++ (Need Feedback)  (Read 3488 times)

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Tetris in C++ (Need Feedback)
« on: December 27, 2016, 09:23:35 pm »
Hello All!

I made a Tetris replica for Windows with C++, SFML, & Adobe Illustrator and would like feedback. It has hand coded animations, stat tracking and all the cool features that a modern version of the game has.

It can be downloaded from the following link. Have fun!

Also, a simple preview video:

Check out on my website, too: https://donaldfry.com


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Re: Tetris in C++ (Need Feedback)
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2016, 01:38:05 pm »
Nicely done! Quite enjoy the graphics and sounds. :)

Unfortunately I've managed to hang the application. I can't strictly reproduce it, but it seems like pressing certain key combination might put the game into an infinite loop or similar.
In general I've noticed that the input handling is acting a bit odd at times. Like the rotation key only works half of the times and certainly not when you're pressing it and at the same time an arrow key. You might want to rethink the input code a bit.

Additionally I highly recommend to go with a more common key layout. Not having the rotation key on the up arrow feels really weird and I kept pressing it accidentally.

I think the following layout is more common and will be a lot easier to use (for me).
Game ActionKeyboardNumpad
Move LeftLEFT ArrowNumpad 4
Move RightRIGHT ArrowNumpad 6
Hard DropSpace BarNumpad 8
Soft DropDOWN ArrowNumpad 2
Rotate RightUP Arrow, XNumpad 1, 5, 9
Rotate LeftControl, ZNumpad 3, 7
HoldSHIFT, CNumpad 0
PauseESC, F1, P
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