Hello everyone!
I know, that SFML is supposed to be a 2d engine, and basically I am totally fine with that. In fact: I really love how simplistic and intuitive SFML works: I love the input handling, the really basic Text and Sprite Classes and so on. But since I suck at 2d Animations, I really need my game to be 3d, in order to become finished any time in the future.
I tried UE, Irrlicht, Unity, Esenthel, ... and all of those are really annoying for the fact that they force you to include so ridiculously many crappy scene graphs and bloated input- and event handlers and whatsoever.
Therefore I am looking for an easy (by easy I mean: My math sucks) way, to get basic 3d models and skeletal animations up running in my SFML-Window, so that I can combine them with my selfmade SFML-UI-Components and my simplistic game loop and resource handling.
Does someone know of any library that fits those requirements?