Hi everyone.
Thank you by advance for your help !
I have an issue and I don't know the cause.
J'ai un problème dont je n'arrive pas à identifier tout à fais la cause. First of all, I can not use the sf :: Packet class because I do not handle the "server side".
I am supposed to receive a generic message of about 60 bytes.
So I created a buffer of size 64. The problem is that at the reception I do not get the 61bytes, at least not all the time and that's what I do not understand ...
Sometimes I get the whole message, sometimes not.
The problem is that when I do not receive the whole message, the status returned is still sf::Socket::Done, therefore, no way for me to analyze whether my message is complete or not to re-call the receive() function ...
Here is my code "abbreviated" and the associated answers:
int main()
sf::TcpSocket socket;
std::cout << "Connexion" << std::endl;
sf::Socket::Status status = socket.connect("", 9001);
std::cout << status << std::endl;
size_t received(1);
char data[64] = { 0 };
std::string str{ "" };
str = "#1Z1|\r" ;
if (socket.send(&str[0], str.size()) != sf::Socket::Done)
std::cout << "ERROR sending" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Message sent : " << str << std::endl;
status = socket.receive(data, 64, received);
if ( status != sf::Socket::Done)
std::cout << "ERROR reception. Status : " << status << std::endl; // Just for illustration
data[received - 1] = '\0';
str = data;
std::cout << "Message received: " << str << " (" << received << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Status : " << status << std::endl;
// To prove that there are still some:
if (received != 61)
status = socket.receive(data, 64, received);
if (status != sf::Socket::Done)
std::cout << "ERROR reception. Status : " << status << std::endl; // Just to illustrate
data[received - 1] = '\0';
str = data;
std::cout << "Message received : " << str << " (" << received << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Status : " << status << std::endl;
Here are the results in the windows console, first when it works properly and sencondly when it doesn't :
Reception OK :Connexion
Message sent: #1Z1|
Message received: 1Z1p+4s+100u+2o+175n+1000b+32282B+0d+0t+0W+1P+100N+0:b+1:B+0(61)
Status : 0
Bad réception :Connexion
Message sent: #1Z1|
Message received: 1Z1p+4s (
Statut : 0
Message received: 100u+2o+175n+1000b+32282B+0d+0t+0W+1P+100N+0:b+1:B+0 (53)
Status : 0
Status 0 correspond to sf::Socket::Done.
You see well that sometimes I do not get everything, and yet the program returns me a Done status ...
An idea of the problem and how to solve it?
Thanks by advance,
PS : I'm beginner, sorry if I made big mistake :p