I literally just registered to this forum just so I can say this:
You guys are absolutely annoying and this forum sucks.
SFML is not intuitive, even if you know C++ no matter what you say.
You are just a bunch of know-it-all-but-wont-share-because-you-are-a-dick geeks.
Isn't the purpose of a forum to help and be helped? Yall not helpful at all, and I've seen many posts in here.
As you know, besides the official documentation on the SFML website, there is not much out there online on SFML, probably because no one cares for it, and we are out here trying to use it (in my case for school) because we have to. Actually, not even the official documentation is that good. Are you guys in charge of that too? You must be!
Yet, there is this one forum that exists (this one), with all this "knowledgeable" people that wont ever answer a question, simple, or hard. Im starting to think yall dont know what u talking about. How are we supposed to learn this shit? Tarot?
Someone shared a link for some RenderTarget color crap, that was not the question.
Anyway, block me, delete me, or maybe, become a better person, IDC
ANYWAY HERE IS THE ANSWER:you have something like
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(size, size),....);
inside of the while loop for the window.open you will have this call before drawing your images or whatever you are drawing:
You simply pass the color there, such as:
or whatever combination you want such as (0, 0, 255)
Thats it! You are very welcome!
OH MY GODI think my hand just broke after answering this. I understand now