I have ATI card, winXP, 2 monitors. So in my code:
sf::WindowSettings st;
st.AntialiasingLevel = 8; // Make smooth drawing
m_pSfmlView = new sf::RenderWindow(GetSafeHwnd(), st);
I have sporadic crash here:
void WindowImplWin32::CreateContext(const VideoMode& Mode, WindowSettings& Params)
bool IsValid = wglChoosePixelFormatARB(myDeviceContext, IntAttributes, FloatAttributes, sizeof(Formats) / sizeof(*Formats), Formats, &NbFormats) != 0;
I can see that wglChoosePixelFormatARB is NULL.
looks like call
// Get the wglChoosePixelFormatARB function (it is an extension)
PFNWGLCHOOSEPIXELFORMATARBPROC wglChoosePixelFormatARB = reinterpret_cast<PFNWGLCHOOSEPIXELFORMATARBPROC>(wglGetProcAddress("wglChoosePixelFormatARB"));
failed. I have no idea why.