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Author Topic: Project Keeps Closing without Error when mouse moved very slow or fast  (Read 1301 times)

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i am working on a Pong game with multiplayer, currently i am testing some Funktions but unfortunately
it Keeps closing if i move the mouse in a certain way(slowly or fast it doesnt happen always)

while (window.isOpen())
        /* Print out Information about 'player'
        printf("Position-Y: %d\n", rectangle.getPosition().y);
        printf("Size-Y %d\n", (int)rectangle.getSize().y);
        printf("Origin-y: %d\n", rectangle.getOrigin().y);

        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            // Escape-options
            if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
            if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)

            // Determining Event-Type
            if(event.type == event.KeyReleased)
                //only to test how to change the lenght of the rectangle
                if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::S)
                    rectangle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(rectangle.getSize().x, rectangle.getSize().y *2));

        if(abs(rectangle.getPosition().y - sf::Mouse::getPosition(window).y) > 5)
            if(rectangle.getPosition().y - sf::Mouse::getPosition(window).y > 0)
                rectangle.setPosition(0, rectangle.getPosition().y -(1*acceleration));
                if(acceleration < 3){ acceleration++;}
                rectangle.setPosition(0, rectangle.getPosition().y +(1*acceleration));
                if(acceleration < 3){ acceleration++;}
            //this part could be wrong but i suppose it has nothing to do with my problem
            if(acceleration >= 3)
                acceleration = 1;

i only inserted the part where i think the problem might be, the rest is only initializing and defining variables

Thank's for any Help :)


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It exits if i slowly near the Mouse to the rectangle from the x-Axes


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Run it through the debugger and check values etc.
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i did but i dont understand why it keeps closing i only call the Mouse position and my rectangle moves like i wanted it to move all values i set should be fine.

i thought maybe it jumps out of the game loop, but why ??


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    if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)

You don't check this event is a key press first, so, as sf::Event is a union, the key code will have undefined data during other events. In this case the mouse move event is probably triggering window.close()

