Hello people. First I would like to apologize if this is the wrong place to post this (as it's very 'specific')
I'm trying to do an isometric (yes I know it's not the correct term) style engine-thing and i'm also experimenting with the new sf::VertexBuffer class.
I made a simple Cube class, that is able to display a cube or a floor from an input texture.
For example, this is a 'skin' texture :

And here are the results using the CUBE and FLOOR mode :

As you can see this works well. The problem is that I would want them to be able to stack up (to make a full world out of them). For now, the program is using 1 draw call per cube, wich is a lot to consider if I want to make a world.
It would be cool to make a 'Chunk' system, with 1 draw call per chunk. Except I don't know how to do that considering that a chunk can be made of multiple cubes using multiple textures.
So how can a system like this be implemented ? (Ask me if you want me to put some code examples)
Thank you in advance.