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Author Topic: SFML.Net Submission Request.  (Read 9882 times)

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SFML.Net Submission Request.
« on: July 02, 2018, 11:43:34 pm »
Hi, I have been maintaining a git repo for a while now (About a year or 2, but the original repo was down
so the current one isnt as old) where I have been creating a version of the SFML libraries where they are
merged into 1 dll and dynamically unpack their dependancies based on the OS and bit-version you need
(This of course does not include the Linux as CSFML isnt even prepackaged with the .so's anymore).

This design choice for me was to help the .net/mono design flow where you write once run everywhere.
I've also been maintaining Nuget packages for it as well so it is easily accessible and currently have had
~ 1k downloads between all versions.

EDIT: My language was not clear dabbertorres didnt contribute to my repo but the official sfml
one which I updated into MY repo with.
It provides formats for 2.0 to 2.4 (Recently updated to the official sfml repo changes provided by dabbertorres)
as well as a built in Winforms control and panel for rendering.

The above mentioned Winforms addons provide events for access to rendering so inheritance is not needed
as well as a timer for controlled autoupdates (should the be wanted. May be turned off with AutoDraw = false).

I have simply posted this thread to request that my project may be linked on the main website so others
may more easily find and benefit from this version.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 05:52:40 pm by SpiceyWolf »


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Re: SFML.Net Submission Request.
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2018, 08:31:09 am »
The SFML-website source code has its own git repository, feel free to add your project and submit a pull request :)
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer

