It should be clarified that the lifetime of a pointer is limited to its scope. The data that it points to, however, is manually created and destroyed at arbritary times.
I'm not sure what you mean by passing a vector of pointers is unsafe. As long as those pointers are pointing to the same thing, there seems to be no reason that they don't act as if you are using the original pointers. Effectively, if the pointers themselves aren't getting modified, there should be no difference between passing the vector by value or reference (so use reference, as you are doing). Of course, this means that those pointers and their data will be missing if they are still used outside of this function. Also, remember that the pointers' indices will have changed if and have been deleted. On top of that, any pointers to the elements of the vector (pointer to a pointer) will now be invalid.
You should definitely look into using smart pointers, assuming you are using C++11 or later.
For example, each "unique pointer" (std::unique_ptr) is used to hold the data and it "attached" to that pointer. You can still pass around the pointer but it's always clear where the data is controlled due to stricter rules of passing around.
Also, using these "smart" pointers, the data itself gets destroyed and cleared when the pointer is destroyed - when it goes out of scope so there should be no surprises and no "non-deleted data without pointers".
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