Hi, I'm making a console window with SFML and I've reached my first uncertainty: new line characters.
I want a new line character to create a new line. There seems to be no function in sf::Text to do this automatically.
So, with efficiency in mind, should I create a loop for each sub-string delineated by new line characters and call RenderWindow::Draw on each sub-string? or is there a better way.
https://github.com/FRex/LuaConsole/blob/master/src/LuaConsole/LuaSFMLConsoleView.cpp^^This guy doesn't even use sf::Text. He creates his own vertex thingies using the glyphs from the font.
What is the recommended approach here?
Here is what I have now(it functions but seems wasteful):
float lineSpacing = sessionText.getCharacterSize() + sessionText.getLineSpacing();
int i{ 0 };
for (std::string const & substring : model.get_sessionString())
sf::Transform t;
t.translate(0.f, lineSpacing * i);
AppWindow::instance().getAppWindow().draw(sessionText, t);