I know that via the CSFML page:
https://www.sfml-dev.org/download/csfml/ there are no docs on the SFML api for C, as it's essentially the same as the C++ one.
However, are there any resources out there for using SFML with C? I need some help...
For example, what if I want to make the example provided here
https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/start-linux.php in C on a Mac?
I don't want to use XCode, and don't want to use C++, only C.
1) First, how would I translate the SFML "api" calls to valid calls in C? I can read C and C++, but not sure where I would access sf::CircleShape, for example, as obviously C doesn't have inheritance.
2) How would I build this with C?
Hopefully these questions make sense... sorry, a newbie here!
Thanks for the help.