I think nobody imagined OpenAL would be used with such low frequencies, so I just resampled the audio myself and
solved the issue.
Input files are still at low sample rates, but I used the sound buffer functions from SFML to resample them internaly to 44100 (just copy from a sample array to other array), so that they sound "unfiltered" in all sound players.
About the sounds I uploaded...
I created the "filtered" wave in audacity, just resample from low sample rates to 44100, and it will also add some default dithering, destroying the retro sound.
The "unfiltered" file was created using open modplug tracker, which has a lot of "retro" options for audio.
Here you see the resampling options in open modplug:

And here the resampled waveforms (44100Hz):

Hope this helps someone trying to get retro sounds
