I've written a ShivaVG binding for C# and am using it with SFML for a project I've been working on for a
long time.
The basic idea is that instead of using any bitmap sprites I'm going to render everything as vectors, which will allow me to do things such as modifying path data for reactions to physics, animation etc.
My blog for the project goes into more details on why I'd want to bother doing this, since it definitely is a lot more work than simply exporting my vector art to bitmaps.
Currently I have SVG loading working (pretty rudimentary, only supports path and rect elements), some debug drawing of bounds and simple picking code. I have some basic movement set up and I'm in the process of setting up the skeletal animation editing.
And what would this post be without a screenshot?
First here's a shot of the ninja @ 6xAA:

And the full level (well, the quick and dirty test level):