I just downloaded DFML under the following link
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sfml/SFML-1.3-d-sdk-windows.zip and filed it in C:/D/DFML/.
After that I downloaded dsss and filed it in C:/D/dss and inserted it in my environment variables (%PATH%) in Windows so that I could give instructions from the cmd.exe, and that works so far.
Now I applied a dsss.conf data file and filed it in a test directory on my desktop in the folder D, which inhabites my test datas of d.
I have the following source code:
module veryquickstart;
import dsfml.system.all;
import dsfml.window.all;
import dsfml.graphics.all;
void main()
RenderWindow app = new RenderWindow(VideoMode(800, 600, 32), "It works !");
Shape s = Shape.circle(300.f, 300.f, 100.f, Color(120, 120, 120, 120));
Event evt;
while (app.isOpened())
while (app.getEvent(evt))
// close the window
if ((evt.Type == Event.EventType.CLOSED) ||
((evt.Type == Event.EventType.KEYPRESSED) && (evt.Key.Code == KeyCode.ESCAPE)))
s.move(0.1f, 0);
and the following dsss.conf data file:
buildflags += -Ic:\D\DSFML\import -Sc:\D\DSFML\extlibs\lib
but I'm consistently getting the same error message if i try to put "dsss build" into the cmd.exe:
C:\Users\---\Desktop\D main\D>dsss build
sfml_test.d => sfml_test
c:\D\DSFML\import\dsfml\system\thread.d(38): module thread cannot read file 'std
Command C:\dsss\bin\rebuild.exe returned with code 1, aborting.
Error: Command failed, aborting.
Here the corresponding part from "thread.d, the lines 38 and 39:
static import std.thread;
alias std.thread.Thread DThread;