Hi people!
Last year I showed off a tank game that I'd been working on.
Turns out, I've had a lot of time to continue working on it this last year as well. (Can you guess why?
Anyways, it's been massively expanded and I'm hoping for some kind of release in 2021.
The main improvements are:
* Multiple tank types
* New crate types: health, upgrades, teleport
* AI players w. dynamic pathfinding (A* variant)
* Three game modes
* Minimaps
* Graphical effects, clouds & waves
* Sounds + music
See the new trailer here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wg3UnyV_8ALink to my previous post about the game:
https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=27289.msg173361#msg173361What do you think?
PS: I want to thank the developers of SFML for making such a cool system. I've used it for pretty much all my projects!