I'm having trouble getting SFML up and running using CodeBlocks under Linux. I'm not entirely sure which tutorial I should be following (CodeBlocks of Linux), so I've done most of the things that are recommended in both.
1. Project->Build Options->Search directories->compiler contains the relative path to the include folder of the Linux version, while ->linker contains relative path to the lib folder
2. I did a "sudo make install" from the SFML-1.6 folder, which seemed successful.
After this, I tried running the test program. I got complaints about lack of definitions, which I expected because I did not have the additional libraries linked. SO I tried to do that.
3. Project->Build Options->Linker settings -> other linker options, I added sfml-system. This is where I'm suck.
-------------- Build: Debug in RollerFuck ---------------
Linking console executable: bin/Debug/RollerFuck
g++: sfml-system: No such file or directory
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
I'm not quite sure where to go from here.