What does a cell look like? If it's just a solid colour representing it's status, then you could use a texture. Set it's pixels to represent the cells. Then you can have any size (well, up to 8192x8192, maybe 16384x16384 depending on gfx card and if sfml lets it) with a single draw call.
For example:
sf::Texture tex;
tex.create(64, 64);
sf::Image img;
img.create(64, 64);
img.setPixel(10, 20, sf::Color::Red);
This makes a texture (which you'd use for a sprite or quad, etc) and an image. You can change the cells in the image using setPixel, then when all cell statuses are up to date, call tex.update(img) to upload the current image to the texture.
If the cells aren't simple blocks, something more complicated might be needed. (Shader, or multi pass blending)