We're excited to announce that
Vittorio Romeo (also known as SuperV1234 or vee) has joined the SFML Team!
Vittorio has been an avid SFML user for many years and just recently published
Open Hexagon on Steam, which as the name suggests is
open source, and is also built on top of SFML.
Others might know his name, logo and voice from the excellent
video tutorial series also making use of SFML.
And some might have seen one of
his talks on C++ or ran into him at ISO C++ committee meeting.
As you can see we're very lucky to have Vittorio onboard and look forward, to how he can put some new wind in SFML's sails!
We're especially looking forward to all the help in shaping the
transition into a modern C++17 code base for the
just kicked-off next major version SFML 3.
Welcome to the SFML Team!