I use sfml 2.4.2 (I use dev-cpp which uses gcc 4.9.2) and by console I mean my application is a console application and I didn't hide the console window (just for debugging). By sfml window I mean the window that gets created by the executable.
I recorded the behaviour of both the console window and the sfml window of my application
and judging from the recording it seems like the sfml window freezes up whenever you go fullscreen on ANOTHER application (it stays on the last frame before going fullscreen and refuses to make any changes to the window. I didn't show that in the recording, but I tested it after).
I should probably mention both the console window and the sfml window aren't minimised, they're just hidden behind the fullscreen game and only the sfml window seems to be unresponsive.
I'm trying to make it still render frames even while being hidden behind a fullscreen application (not minimised). I'm not sure whether that's possible, that's why I'm here. I'm asking whether there's a setting in sfml or whether I could change something in the handling of the sfml window, that could do that for me.
I also used sf::RenderWindow to render the window.