I can't figure out how to implement what you're describing. I tried creating a sf::Transform, set the rotation to 90, and then apply that to each point in the quad. Doesn't work.
Here is my code that works, but is a hacky way to accomplish what I need. Note that gameMapPassed is a container with tiles to update in the game, and gameMap_ is a container that contains all game world tiles.
finder = textureMap_.at( TileType::TILE_ATLAS_VARIANT ).getSize().x / TILE_SIZE;
for( const auto& tile : gameMapPassed ) {
int index = tile.first;
sf::Vertex* quad = &vtexMap_.at( VertexLevel::USER_TILE )[gameMap_.at( index ).mutableTile.tile_id * 4];
TileType tileType = tile.second.staticTile->type;
int tileNumber = static_cast<int>( tileType );
int x = index % mapWidth_;
int y = index / mapWidth_;
int tx = tileNumber % finder;
int ty = tileNumber / finder;
int rotation = tile.second.mutableTile.rotation;
int rotaHelp {};
switch( rotation ) {
case 0: rotaHelp = 0; break;
case 90: rotaHelp = 1; break;
case 180: rotaHelp = 2; break;
case 270: rotaHelp = 3; break;
quad[0].position = sf::Vector2f( x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE );
quad[1].position = sf::Vector2f( ( x + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE );
quad[2].position = sf::Vector2f( ( x + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE, ( y + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE );
quad[3].position = sf::Vector2f( x * TILE_SIZE, ( y + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE );
if( tile.second.mutableTile.mirror == false ) {
quad[( 0 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( tx * TILE_SIZE, ty * TILE_SIZE );
quad[( 1 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( ( tx + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE, ty * TILE_SIZE );
quad[( 2 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( ( tx + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE, ( ty + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE );
quad[( 3 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( tx * TILE_SIZE, ( ty + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE );
else {
quad[( 1 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( tx * TILE_SIZE, ty * TILE_SIZE );
quad[( 0 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( ( tx + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE, ty * TILE_SIZE );
quad[( 3 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( ( tx + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE, ( ty + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE );
quad[( 2 + rotaHelp ) % 4].texCoords = sf::Vector2f( tx * TILE_SIZE, ( ty + 1 ) * TILE_SIZE );
Essentially, by changing the order when filling out the quad[], you can rotate and/or mirror and individual tiles in the game. (e.g. 0 + rotaHelp could start at quad[2]. Then % 4 ensures the value wraps around to 0.).
It's long winded to describe why the rotation logic works. Im less certain why the mirror logic works, but it does. I discovered it by playing around with the ordeing some more.