At the top of the examples/android/app/build.gradle.kts file, you need to change the constants to the versions you are using.
NDK_VERSION is set to 26.1.10909125 by default, so it is looking for SFML in that NDK version. Based on your previous posts, you used "E:/AppData/Android/SDK/ndk/25.1.8937393" when installing SFML. So you either need to use NDK 26 when building and installing SFML, or change the NDK version at the top of build.gradle.kts in the example to 25.1.8937393.
Similarly, check that the cmake value CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI which you specified when building SFML matches with the ARCH_ABI value at the top of build.gradle.kts, otherwise you will also get the same error about SFML not being found.
Instead of changing build.gradle.kts, you can optionally pass these values as parameters to gradle, so that the command looks something like the following
gradlew assembleDebug -P ARCH_ABI=armeabi-v7a -P NDK_VERSION=25.1.8937393
Edit: In your previous posts you mentioned building and installing SFML 2 with cmake, make sure you followed these steps again with SFML 3 as well before attempting to build the example.
Edit: I've updated the wiki with the above information, as the instructions on the wiki were a bit outdated.