Hello everyone!
I need my shapes to move completely independently and include collision detection. When I had only one shape, everything was okay, but when I added one more, it began behaving strangely. For some unknown reason to me, my shapes move together; it seems like they are sharing some data. I was trying to figure out what is wrong on my own, but it seems like I am stuck. If it is possible, try to give me a hint instead of a solution. Many thanks in advance.
main.cpp#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // fabs
#include <vector>
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "SFML Works!");
sf::CircleShape* circle = new sf::CircleShape(100.f);
circle->move(400.f, 0.f);
sf::RectangleShape* rect = new sf::RectangleShape(sf::Vector2f(100, 200));
rect->move(200.f, 150.f);
std::vector<sf::Shape*> shapes;
float xOffset = 0.5f;
float yOffset = 0.5f;
float topRightX = 0.f;
float bottomRightY = 0.f;
float topLeftX = 0.f;
float topLeftY = 0.f;
while (window.isOpen())
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
for (auto& shape : shapes)
if (shape)
if (dynamic_cast<sf::CircleShape*>(shape))
sf::FloatRect boundRect = shape->getGlobalBounds();
topLeftX = boundRect.getPosition().x;
topLeftY = boundRect.getPosition().y;
auto circle = dynamic_cast<sf::CircleShape*>(shape);
topRightX = boundRect.getPosition().x + circle->getRadius() * 2.f;
bottomRightY = boundRect.getPosition().y + circle->getRadius() * 2.f;
else if (dynamic_cast<sf::RectangleShape*>(shape))
sf::FloatRect boundRect = shape->getGlobalBounds();
topLeftX = boundRect.getPosition().x;
topLeftY = boundRect.getPosition().y;
auto rectangle = dynamic_cast<sf::RectangleShape*>(shape);
topRightX = boundRect.getPosition().x + rect->getSize().x;
bottomRightY = boundRect.getPosition().y + rect->getSize().y;
if (topRightX >= window.getSize().x - 1.f)
xOffset *= -1.f;
else if (bottomRightY >= window.getSize().y - 1.f)
yOffset *= -1.f;
else if (topLeftX <= 0.f)
xOffset = fabs(xOffset);
else if (topLeftY <= 0.f)
yOffset = fabs(yOffset);
sf::Vector2f curPos = shape->getPosition();
shape->setPosition(curPos.x + xOffset, curPos.y + yOffset);
return 0;
Please find in attachments how it works now.