The first thing to make sure is that your text co-ordinates are rounded to the nearest pixel.
Assuming your view is 1:1 with pixels (e.g. 1024x576 view for 1024x576 pixel sized), your text position and origin should both be rounded to an integer.
Note that, also, scaling text can cause it to be blurry. For larger, non-blurry text, use a larger character size instead of scaling up. If you're animating, you should likely use the larger text and scale it down instead of using a smaller text and scaling it up.
So, assuming you're now using a scale of (1,1), your view matches the actual pixel size of its viewport, and your positions and origins are all rounded values, you should now how non-blurry text.
Remember that resizing a window will not resize the view automatically so you would need to update the view when it gets resized.
In addition, I think there is an update along these lines (ability to turn off texture smoothing for text) too but I'm not sure if that has been completed.