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Author Topic: What is the best way to constantly communicate with multiple sockets?  (Read 9237 times)

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I am writing a server that can connect with various clients to send and receive information. I am using TCP Sockets. Currently, I am faced with a decision. I can either keep every socket connection from the clients open until they disconnect, or I only connect with the client every time there is a prompt from the client.

The former makes it easy for the server to detect a prompt from any socket (if I'm not mistaken, a Socket Selector can achieve that); however, sockets are non-copyable, meaning I can't just store them in a vector. I can store pointers in the vector, but if the actual socket is destroyed, the pointer will be useless. This is why I am inclined to try the latter option; however, I am unsure if this is actually an efficient method of communication.

Basically, I have three questions. Firstly, which of the two methods of socket management should I use, keeping them all open or only connecting when prompted? Secondly, is there a method to store sockets, or socket pointers, in a container, like a vector, reliably? Lastly, is opening and closing a connection every time the server is prompted actually efficient?

Thank you in advance! Please inform me if my question is unclear.


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Re: What is the best way to constantly communicate with multiple sockets?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2024, 10:25:57 pm »
It very much depends on your needs. If you expect a continuous communication between clients and server, it doesn't really make sense to keep closing the connection. A connection build up is kind of slow and expensive, e.g. a TCP "3-way" handshake goes from the client, to the server, to the client and to the server, at say 100ms, that's already at least 300ms lost just on the connection establishing.
But if your application rarely talks to the server, like every minute or so, then it might make sense to create a new temporary connection. Not just because it's waste of resource, but also because TCP would automatically close the connection (by default on Windows) after four minutes of no communication.

Closing a connection doesn't destroy the sf::TcpSocket instance. You'll just have to check the return value of the send/receive if it's Disconnected (or potentially Error).
You may want to store the connections in a stable container such as std::unordered_map or use a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<sf::TcpSocket>>.
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Re: What is the best way to constantly communicate with multiple sockets?
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2024, 05:35:39 pm »
Thanks for the help! I still have one question though.

I understand that there needs to be an open TCP socket on both the client and the server for communication, and both have to exist for actual communication. Currently, on my server side, I am using a function to check for incoming connections and receive the message (I have currently implemented opening and closing the socket per request as a placeholder). This function is run every time window loops.

My question is, if I keep the socket open while window loops and potential accepts more connections, is it actually possible for all of these connections to stay open? Like I said, it is just one function, so there is only one listener and socket that are running every window loop. To my understanding, every time the function loops, the existing connection is destroyed (like I said, only one client) in order to make way for a new connection. Is this actually the case, or am I misunderstanding how this works?

If this is too confusing, could you provide a code snippet of what storing the socket pointers would look like? I am currently struggling to grasp this concept for some reason.

Thank you for your help! Sorry that I responded this late.

