I have compiled SFML statically using GCC 13.1.0 from winlibs MinGW64
When I compile my source code, no errors are omitted, but when I go to run the executable, it exits with an error but there is no output
I have tried using the precompiled libraries from the SFML release, but it produces the same result
Code Used:
#include "SFML/Graphics.hpp"
int main() {
sf :: RenderWindow window(sf :: VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
sf :: CircleShape shape(100.f);
shape.setFillColor(sf :: Color :: Green);
while (window.isOpen()){
sf :: Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event)) {
if (event.type == sf :: Event :: Closed)
return 0;
Compile Command:
g++ test.cpp -o test.exe -D SFML_STATIC -I SFML-2.6.1\include -L SFML-2.6.1\build\lib -l sfml-graphics-s -l sfml-window-s -l sfml-system-s -l opengl32 -l winmm -l gdi32