For any future readers of this thread, Perplexity spit out this code in regards to using Cocoa to keep a toolbar window on top. I haven't tested it.
Yes, you can use a native window handle from SFML to interact with the Cocoa API and create a second RenderWindow that stays on top of the first, such as a toolbar window. Here's how you can approach this:
1. Obtain the native window handle from SFML:
sf::WindowHandle handle = window.getSystemHandle();
2. Use Objective-C++ to interact with the Cocoa API. Create a .mm file to mix C++ and Objective-C code:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
void createToolbarWindow(sf::WindowHandle mainWindowHandle, sf::RenderWindow& toolbarWindow)
NSWindow* mainWindow = (__bridge NSWindow*)mainWindowHandle;
// Create the toolbar window
NSRect frame = NSMakeRect(0, 0, 300, 50); // Adjust size as needed
NSWindow* toolbarNSWindow = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:frame
[toolbarNSWindow setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
[toolbarNSWindow setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
[toolbarNSWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
// Position the toolbar window relative to the main window
NSRect mainFrame = [mainWindow frame];
NSRect toolbarFrame = [toolbarNSWindow frame];
toolbarFrame.origin.x = mainFrame.origin.x;
toolbarFrame.origin.y = mainFrame.origin.y + mainFrame.size.height;
[toolbarNSWindow setFrame:toolbarFrame display:YES];
// Create SFML RenderWindow from the NSWindow
toolbarWindow.create((__bridge WindowHandle)toolbarNSWindow);
// Set up window following behavior
[mainWindow addChildWindow:toolbarNSWindow ordered:NSWindowAbove];
3. In your main C++ file, call the function to create the toolbar window:
sf::RenderWindow mainWindow(sf::VideoMode(800, 600), "Main Window");
sf::RenderWindow toolbarWindow;
createToolbarWindow(mainWindow.getSystemHandle(), toolbarWindow);
// Your main loop
while (mainWindow.isOpen())
// Handle events and draw to both windows
// ...
This approach allows you to create a toolbar window that stays on top of the main SFML window using Cocoa API calls[3][1]. The toolbar window is created as a borderless NSWindow and set to float above other windows. It's then attached to the main window as a child window, ensuring it moves along with the main window.
Remember to compile your project with Objective-C++ support and link against the Cocoa framework[2]. You may need to adjust your build settings or CMake configuration to include the necessary frameworks and compile flags.