I've downloaded the latest SFML 3.0 and followed the installation process down to the letter on SFML tutorial website, Got everything working and though "Awesome, lets try a new project"
Open a brand new C++ project, tried to implement code and it was not working. Checked properties windows and notice that it reset all the directories, set it back to C++14, Include and Lib file locations are missing.
Can someone please advise, is this a normal thing that happens (and I have to do this every time I open a new project and include every SFML files) or is this just an unfortunate fluke that I as able to bring upon myself lol. I've also like to note that I even downgraded to SFML 2.6.2 and was also met with the same problems.
Some of the system information and path locations is below. Thank you,
-Visual Studio 2022 Community (SDK windows 10)(downgraded from SDK windows 11
-SFML 3.0.0 64 bit (previously had 32 bit)
-FML files are on the main drive labeled "SFML"
-OS Windows 10