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Author Topic: Visual Studio Default Settings being reset  (Read 262 times)

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Visual Studio Default Settings being reset
« on: March 22, 2025, 06:38:02 pm »

I've downloaded the latest SFML 3.0 and followed the installation process down to the letter on SFML tutorial website, Got everything working and though "Awesome, lets try a new project"

Open a brand new C++ project, tried to implement code and it was not working. Checked properties windows and notice that it reset all the directories, set it back to C++14, Include and Lib file locations are missing.

Can someone please advise, is this a normal thing that happens (and I have to do this every time I open a new project and include every SFML files) or is this just an unfortunate fluke that I as able to bring upon myself lol. I've also like to note that I even downgraded to SFML 2.6.2 and was also met with the same problems.

Some of the system information and path locations is below. Thank you,

-Visual Studio 2022 Community (SDK windows 10)(downgraded from SDK windows 11
-SFML 3.0.0 64 bit (previously had 32 bit)
-FML files are on the main drive labeled "SFML"
-OS Windows 10


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Re: Visual Studio Default Settings being reset
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2025, 07:11:02 am »
This is normal. Project settings only exist for the project you set them on, any new project will start off from scratch again.

You can make your own Visual Studio project templates, although it's been around 4 years since I've done that so don't remember the details. But when I did, I had a template that set up everything ready for my SFML based game engine.


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Re: Visual Studio Default Settings being reset
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2025, 10:12:24 am »
The settings are stored in your project file (kind of the whole point of having a project file).

In theory you could just copy that and start renaming things. Which is essentially what a template does, just a bit better supported.

Another alternative is to use CMake, which VS 2022 natively supports, and then you can just copy around the  CMake code or start with the SFML CMake Template.
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