Hmm maybe there is a missing flag to the linker to create the shared library so it becomes invalid somehow? Do the compilation again with
rake verbose and give it to me. Also say if you see some weird value in the CXX and LINK values since I don't know what's right in Clang.
If this fails just swap to GCC by giving these values to these variables:
CXX = "g++"
CXXFLAGS = "-O3 -g -I#{SFML_INC} -I#{EXT_DIR} -I#{RUBY_INC} -I#{RUBY_INC}/#{CONFIG['arch']}"
LINK = "g++ -shared"
LINK_FLAGS = "-Wl,--enable-auto-image-base,--enable-auto-import -L. -L#{SFML_LIB} -L#{RUBY_LIB} #{RUBY_LINK}"
Edit: Actually just tried including a file that doesn't exist. That is the exact message you get. So somehow Steel is not able to read from that path. So installation was correct now I don't know really since this feels like Mac-space. Not 100% sure.