Firstly, sorry if I'm just being stupid - I've always wanted and tried to be a computer geek but sometimes I just think it may not be for me...
Anyway, my problem is this: When I build/compile (whichever is the proper word) the following code
#pragma comment (lib, "sfml-window.lib")
#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#define width 800
#define length 600
#define depth 32
int main()
sf::Window MainWindow(sf::VideoMode(width, length, depth), "Tester");
bool running = false;
while (running);
return 0;
works fine - I had big problems with getting the libs and linkers and whatnot to work correctly, so I was pretty bummed to see that when I actually run this I get an error saying
"Run-Time check failure #2 - Stack around the variable "MainWindow" was corrupted."
If I hit the Continue button after this, I get another message telling me that the .exe has been "buffer overrun, corrupting the internal state of the program".
I could do the tutorials fine on Bloodshed Dev-Cpp, which leads me to believe that I've done something wrong, or have forgotten something.
Not being able to finish even the first tutorial makes me a sad panda, truly.
Thanks for any replies!