Time is short, i hadnt much time to work these days, university exams and stuff
Still, from what ive been able to do, the engine is getting better gradually.
The way of using the engine is now a little improved. The engine works as a game environment, where multiple games are easily plugged in, run parallel, and changing between the active game, like the windows explorer, somehow
I think this design is clean enough, and promotes an object-oriented design when you make games
Something like this would make that engine environment run:
ParabolaEngine *Engine = new ParabolaEngine(argc, argv);
return 0;
Then, you would need to add a game with a line such as:
Engine->GetGameManager()->AddGame(Game, true, true);
...where Game is an object from the user's class inheriting from GameCore. That class already provides draw callbacks, update callbacks, event handling and more
The environment will be fetching the events directly, and dispatching them to running games, making them update in a fixed step, while allowing arbitrary FPS for drawing
More news soon, there is more things to say
heishe, if you are interested in using the engine, why not add me in msn, i will use all information from you to improve the engine, and make a better release, while allowing you to begin using it right away(or almost)