I'm not using a GUI
You can find those variable in CMakeCache.txt.
yeah, I did, that's how I found yet another copy of OpenAL
Ok, so reloading svn now (because I think I added those unsigned chars to fix a bug binding to the other OpenAL ..
While waiting for the checkout .. I wonder why CMake found the wrong library? I also wonder, how can you get the generated Makefiles to echo the rules being executed .. if I could have done that the search path would have revealed the problem days ago.
BTW: SDL 1.3 builds right out of the box. It didn't work but the two bugs I found were fixed very quickly.
Argg .. OK everything compiles fine now, but unfortunately OpenAL.dylib is of the wrong architecture:
Linking CXX shared library ../../../lib/libsfml-audio.dylib
ld: warning: in /System/Library/Frameworks//OpenAL.framework/OpenAL, file is not of required architecture
I don't understand this. Grrr. I really hate idiot message like that one above, which neither tell you the architecture that it is, nor the architecture that's required. Turns out I built 32 bit OpenAl. Curses to Creative!
Rebuilding 64 bit .. nope .. I can't Stupid Xcode GUI crap can't build 64 bit.
[And that's the one off Snow Leopard CD]