sorry for my English, I use google translate to translate.
I have problem with pointer to Sprite. I use dynamic memory to create new obiekt Sprite. Unfortunately, show me the white rectangle instead of my picture. Picture is certainly ok. This is my code:
if(! iBall.LoadFromFile("obrazek.bmp") )
std::cout <<"Blad ladowania bitmapy pilki" <<std::endl;
std::cout <<"Zaladowano poprawnie bitmape pilki" <<std::endl;
iBall.CreateMaskFromColor( sf::Color::Black, 255 );
//sf::Sprite sBall;
pBall = new sf::Sprite;
pBall->SetImage( iBall );
pBall->SetPosition(xP, yP);
pBall->SetScale(1.0f, 1.0f);
App::pApp->Draw( *pBall );
Please Help me.[/code]