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Author Topic: SFLM 2.0 mixing pong and shaders fails to find shaders  (Read 1199 times)

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SFLM 2.0 mixing pong and shaders fails to find shaders
« on: April 19, 2011, 08:24:24 am »
okay so I'm trying to add shaders to the pong example (taking them from the shader example), and they don't work... When trying to load them .LoadFromFile it fails to load them, except, I tried using the "nothing.sfx" shader, and that one works. Unless I change the code in it, then it fails o_0.

Am I failing to initialize something?

here's my code (sorry I added in a couple sounds too, that'll probably stop it from compiling, you might just copy the ball.wav file and renaming the copies just so it'll find them, if you need to compile it)

I think the only two relevant variables I added were
Code: [Select]
sf::RenderImage backBuffer;
Code: [Select]
sf::Shader shaderBlury;

Code: [Select]

// Headers
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>
#include <cmath>

/// Entry point of application
/// \return Application exit code
int main()
    // Defines PI
    const float PI = 3.14159f;

if (sf::Shader::IsAvailable() == false){
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Create the window of the application
    sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 600, 32), "SFML Pong");

//declare backbuffer (for rendering multiple shaders)
sf::RenderImage backBuffer;

    // Load the sounds used in the game
    sf::SoundBuffer ballSoundBuffer;
    if (!ballSoundBuffer.LoadFromFile("resources/ball.wav")){
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    sf::Sound ballSound(ballSoundBuffer);

sf::SoundBuffer scoreSoundBuffer;
    if (!scoreSoundBuffer.LoadFromFile("resources/good.wav")){
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    sf::Sound scoreSound(scoreSoundBuffer);

sf::SoundBuffer hurtSoundBuffer;
    if (!hurtSoundBuffer.LoadFromFile("resources/hurt.wav")){
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    sf::Sound hurtSound(hurtSoundBuffer);

    // Load the images used in the game
    sf::Image backgroundImage, leftPaddleImage, rightPaddleImage, ballImage;
    if (!backgroundImage.LoadFromFile("resources/background.png")    ||
        !leftPaddleImage.LoadFromFile("resources/paddle_left.png")   ||
        !rightPaddleImage.LoadFromFile("resources/paddle_right.png") ||
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Load the text font
    sf::Font font;
    if (!font.LoadFromFile("resources/sansation.ttf"))
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Initialize the end text
    sf::Text end;
    end.Move(150.f, 200.f);
    end.SetColor(sf::Color(50, 50, 250));

    // Create the sprites of the background, the paddles and the ball
    sf::Sprite background(backgroundImage);
    sf::Sprite leftPaddle(leftPaddleImage);
    sf::Sprite rightPaddle(rightPaddleImage);
    sf::Sprite ball(ballImage);

    leftPaddle.Move(10, (window.GetView().GetSize().y - leftPaddle.GetSize().y) / 2);
    rightPaddle.Move(window.GetView().GetSize().x - rightPaddle.GetSize().x - 10, (window.GetView().GetSize().y - rightPaddle.GetSize().y) / 2);
    ball.Move((window.GetView().GetSize().x - ball.GetSize().x) / 2, (window.GetView().GetSize().y - ball.GetSize().y) / 2);

    // Define the paddles properties
    sf::Clock AITimer;
    const float AITime     = 0.1f;
    float leftPaddleSpeed  = 400.f;
    float rightPaddleSpeed = 400.f;

//load shaders
sf::Shader shaderBlury;
if (!shaderBlury.LoadFromFile("resources/nothing.sfx"))//.LoadFromFile("resources/blur.sfx"))
{return EXIT_FAILURE;}

shaderBlury.SetCurrentTexture("texture");//I have no idea what texture that's supposed to be

//define the game mechanic properties
int playerLives = 5;

    // Define the ball properties
    float ballSpeed = 400.f;
    float ballAngle;
        // Make sure the ball initial angle is not too much vertical
        ballAngle = PI;//sf::Randomizer::Random(0.f, 2 * PI);
    } while (std::abs(std::cos(ballAngle)) < 0.7f);

    bool isPlaying = true;
    while (window.IsOpened())
        // Handle events
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.PollEvent(event))
            // Window closed or escape key pressed : exit
            if ((event.Type == sf::Event::Closed) ||
               ((event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.Key.Code == sf::Key::Escape)))

        if (isPlaying)
// Check that the player has lives remaining
if (playerLives < 0){
isPlaying = false;
                end.SetString("You lost !\n(press escape to exit)");
            // Move the player's paddle
            if (window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Up) && (leftPaddle.GetPosition().y > 5.f))
                leftPaddle.Move(0.f, -leftPaddleSpeed * window.GetFrameTime());
            if (window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Down) && (leftPaddle.GetPosition().y < window.GetView().GetSize().y - leftPaddle.GetSize().y - 5.f))
                leftPaddle.Move(0.f, leftPaddleSpeed * window.GetFrameTime());

            // Move the computer's paddle
            if (((rightPaddleSpeed < 0.f) && (rightPaddle.GetPosition().y > 5.f)) ||
                ((rightPaddleSpeed > 0.f) && (rightPaddle.GetPosition().y < window.GetView().GetSize().y - rightPaddle.GetSize().y - 5.f)))
                rightPaddle.Move(0.f, rightPaddleSpeed * window.GetFrameTime());

            // Update the computer's paddle direction according to the ball position
            if (AITimer.GetElapsedTime() > AITime)
                if ((rightPaddleSpeed < 0) && (ball.GetPosition().y + ball.GetSize().y > rightPaddle.GetPosition().y + rightPaddle.GetSize().y))
                    rightPaddleSpeed = -rightPaddleSpeed;
                if ((rightPaddleSpeed > 0) && (ball.GetPosition().y < rightPaddle.GetPosition().y))
                    rightPaddleSpeed = -rightPaddleSpeed;

            // Move the ball
            float factor = ballSpeed * window.GetFrameTime();
                ball.Move(std::cos(ballAngle) * factor, std::sin(ballAngle) * factor);

            // Check collisions between the ball and the screen
            if (ball.GetPosition().x < 0.f)
playerLives -= 1;
//bounce the ball away
                ballAngle = PI - ballAngle;
                ball.SetX(leftPaddle.GetPosition().x + 0.1f);
                //isPlaying = false;
                //end.SetString("You lost !\n(press escape to exit)");
            if (ball.GetPosition().x + ball.GetSize().x > window.GetView().GetSize().x)
                isPlaying = false;
                end.SetString("You won !\n(press escape to exit)");
            if (ball.GetPosition().y < 0.f)
                ballAngle = -ballAngle;
            if (ball.GetPosition().y + ball.GetSize().y > window.GetView().GetSize().y)
                ballAngle = -ballAngle;
                ball.SetY(window.GetView().GetSize().y - ball.GetSize().y - 0.1f);

            // Check the collisions between the ball and the paddles
            // Left Paddle
            if (ball.GetPosition().x < leftPaddle.GetPosition().x + leftPaddle.GetSize().x &&
                ball.GetPosition().x > leftPaddle.GetPosition().x + (leftPaddle.GetSize().x / 2.0f) &&
                ball.GetPosition().y + ball.GetSize().y >= leftPaddle.GetPosition().y &&
                ball.GetPosition().y <= leftPaddle.GetPosition().y + leftPaddle.GetSize().y)
                ballAngle = PI - ballAngle;
                ball.SetX(leftPaddle.GetPosition().x + leftPaddle.GetSize().x + 0.1f);

            // Right Paddle
            if (ball.GetPosition().x + ball.GetSize().x > rightPaddle.GetPosition().x &&
                ball.GetPosition().x + ball.GetSize().x < rightPaddle.GetPosition().x + (rightPaddle.GetSize().x / 2.0f) &&
                ball.GetPosition().y + ball.GetSize().y >= rightPaddle.GetPosition().y &&
                ball.GetPosition().y <= rightPaddle.GetPosition().y + rightPaddle.GetSize().y)
                ballAngle = PI - ballAngle;
                ball.SetX(rightPaddle.GetPosition().x - ball.GetSize().x - 0.1f);

        // Clear the window

        // Draw the background, paddles and ball sprites
backBuffer.Display();//I guess this just flips the y values? weeeeird

//draw the shaders
backBuffer.Draw(sf::Sprite(backBuffer.GetImage()), shaderBlury);


        // If the game is over, display the end message
        if (!isPlaying)

        // Display things on screen

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

edit: oh I'm using Windows XP and Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition


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SFLM 2.0 mixing pong and shaders fails to find shaders
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2011, 08:44:31 am »
What does the standard error output say?
Laurent Gomila - SFML developer


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SFLM 2.0 mixing pong and shaders fails to find shaders
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2011, 07:00:27 pm »
oh, thanks! I hadn't written my shader correctly so it wasn't compiling :oops:

(I got the standard error code from this topic & then launched the exe from the commandline and redirected the output to a file (by running the command "pong-d.exe > output.txt")

[edited for grammar]

