Hey guys. It's been awhile, and if you know us, "XSG Team" you know we have a game out called "Paradox".
unfortunately this is cancelled until further notice due to an increase of lag.
My questions are why is it that our game drops 30 fps when we spawn 5 "zombies".
Zombies are basically a small simple class, with a few int variables and a sprite, NOT IMAGE.
The game DOES do frustrum culling, and currently runs at 40-50+ fps with over 256x256 tiled (64x64 pixel) tiles.
I've tried optimizing like crazy, but to no avail.
We are no C++/SFML masters, so that's why we're reaching out to this awesome community.
We've tried to make a "Stamp" sprite instead of a bunch of sprites, and just have it change image/location each call in a for loop, but that made it WORSE.
I don't get it, the game does NOT draw outside the view window, yet it lags with 5 entities that aren't drawn? The updating is only a for loop that iterates for each entity.
it's not just the entities that cause lag, unfortunately.
Is there any further optimization tricks for SFML you guys can share? (v1.6 currently, 2.0 is too buggy for our taste).