Thanks a lot for your feedback ! It's very constructive and it helps a lot !
Furthermore I'm glad to see that you like my game.
Once I've targeted a ship, I cannot remove it! (I've attacked the home base accidentally) I think it would be nice to be able to cancel this when clicking on an empty area
In fact this is possible by hitting Escape, but I forget to let the user bind that key.
What's the goal in Campain mode? Collecting minerals for one, okay, destroying the enemy ships for two, okay, but when done, what should I do?
In the demo there's nothing more. In the next version (beta), all campaign levels will be there and a pannel to upgrade your ship with minerals.
The screen once remained green for me when died in minimap mode
Yes, that's fixed in part. I thought it was funny to see the main menu in green so I let it. I'll probably really fix it if it's sounds weird for other people :p
In skirmish mode I've got a fleet and the enemy is just one tiny ship? Asteroid boundaries are not visible or obvious enough!
Oops. That's just in Linux version. I really need to share sources between linux and windows... :/
Asteroids should rather push the ship back and the ship should then lose some power, in my opinion.
I already reduce the hitbox of asteroids, but your idea sounds great.
No instructions, the player has to figure out how things work.
In fact there are, but sometimes if you give an order or something when the message should be shown, it disappear. That's fixed and I've added some buttons to see previous/next messages. I'll probably show a list of objectives too.
The game menu, the options and key bindings are very nice! What do you use for GUI?
An very simple homemade one. I've a class Element and every GUI item inherits from that. Windows simply have a list of Elements and send events to those Elements. Tell me if you want more informations about that.