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Author Topic: About 'hiding' graphics && other fun stuff...  (Read 1734 times)

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About 'hiding' graphics && other fun stuff...
« on: October 05, 2011, 07:43:16 pm »
Hi. I was wondering how I can hide my graphics (resource files in general).

1. Is my only option creating an array of pixel and making a new sf::Image from the data.

2.What is 'LoadingFromMemory' and how can I use it?
3. I have a computer with a graphics card based on direct3d (intel HD Graphics Directe3d version); and I can't seem to compile games on this comp. Yet I can play sfml games I compile in my other computer. Does the gc have anything to do with this?

Thank you!!!  :wink:


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About 'hiding' graphics && other fun stuff...
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 09:50:21 am »

Not sure what you mean by "hiding" your graphics. Do you mean you don't want people to be able to access the resource files? If so, use a program like MoleBox (google it) or you could possibly add them to Windows but your exe will be enormous.

LoadFromMemory......lets you load data from a section of memory.

Your Intel HD graphics card should have nothing to do with not being able to recompile your project. Is your development environment set up correctly?
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