Thanks for the welcome,
If I can straighten this out , I think its going to be quite cool playing around with SFML, it looks like its put together in a really intuitive way. Thats what caught my eye when I was wondering around looking at different things.
when I try your suggestion above it causes the same crash,
This has to be something with my setup , but I just cant seem to figure out how.
It crashes and brings me to the following section in the WindowImplWin32.cpp file
if (HasUnicodeSupport())
wchar_t wTitle[256];
int count = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, title.c_str(), static_cast<int>(title.size()), wTitle, sizeof(wTitle) / sizeof(*wTitle));
wTitle[count] = L'\0';
myHandle = CreateWindowW(ClassNameW, wTitle, win32Style, left, top, width, height, NULL, NULL, GetModuleHandle(NULL), this);
I get the same results when trying to create a Renderwindow as well
both work if I pass in a string var rather than a constant.