Looks great! I like how everything is open and scriptable. Something Minecraft is still lacking 
If I got a penny for every "Minecraft", I'd be rich already.

My only complaint is the shading.
There's absolutely nothing in the codebase that does any nice shading yet. The shading you see in the video is a simple fixed OpenGL light to be able to separate between geometry at all.
The plan is to implement real-time lighting using a deferred method. It requires more decent hardware, but will also give a much nicer look. This may sound weird, but the renderer is currently on low priority due to other subsystems, like collision, containers (for inventory), basic physics (movement, jumping, crouching) and such.
Also, I hope you don't mind me asking: How are you storing the voxels (on the hard drive)? Do you do any sort of compression?
I'm happy to answer any questions!

No compression yet, as it falls into the field of optimizations which are also on low priority. Of course there are a lot of ideas in that regard, e.g. using well-established compression algorithms like bz2, but nothing has been decided yet.
Same applies to network transfer of world data: Happens still uncompressed. Like said, FlexWorld is being programmed in an agile manner, which often means: Don't implement stuff when there's no demand (yet).

Thanks for your reply!