if I create a TGUI window, I can use it in the same way I would use a SFML one?
Yes, my window is just a wrapper around sf::RenderWindow, so you can still use all its functions.
But you will still have to link with sfml, linking to only tgui isn't enough.
What if I want to use stuff such as SFML/Network.hpp, or even OpenGL?
For networking or audio there is no problem at all. You can use it in exactly the same way as when you aren"t using TGUI.
I am not sure about OpenGL. I never tested it so I can't tell you if it would work.
If you use it correctly it will probably work but I will test it in the future to be sure.
Is it possible to change the textures/colors if I don't like the default ones?
Absolutely. The colors can be changed by calling a function like setTextColor, setBackgroundColor or changeColors (look at the
example code where the combo box is created).
Changing the images is simply a matter of passing a different pathname to the load function.
Just copy the Black folder, rename the new one to what you want, edit the images in it and pass the new pathname to the load function.
It might be a little hard to understand the image filenames and the info.txt file in the beginning, but if you have any questions I will be here to answer them.