The license for the music I have in my game requires that I distribute the music in a scrambled form (i.e. not in standard OGG format).
Currently, in development, I am streaming OGG files for the music.
I need to use a scrambled file format to provide basic protection for the copyright of the music.
I can scramble and unscramble data no problem, as I have done this on prior (non SFML) projects. My question is, can I use the streaming functionality to play a non-standard file format, for example by unscrambling the data on the fly via a custom stream?
Alternatively, I can unscramble the OGG data into memory and play it from there. This would prevent streaming from disk - I would have to leave the Virtual Memory Manager to retrieve the data from disk pre-emptively if swapping occurs (not sure how well this would work in practice).
Hope this makes sense...
Thanks in advance.