After trying several things, reading masses of stackoverflow topics and recompiling clang for Windows (which worked, but clang++.exe always yielded linker errors -- thanks for not mentioning this in the
tutorial), I have finally found
a version that works on Windows. It uses the GNU libstdc++ instead of libc++ however (I don't know if the latter has been ported to Windows, by the way I'll never understand why it's not possible to name standard libraries meaningfully). In the command line,
clang++ --version outputs the following:
clang version 3.1 (tags/RELEASE_31/final 161181) (llvm/tags/RELEASE_31/final 161243)
Target: i686-w64-mingw32
Thread model: posix
I have tried to compile Thor with it, and the compiler crashed as a result of the SFINAE used in Math/Distribution.hpp. After removing that, everything compiled -- unfortunately. The triangulation code didn't raise any errors, so it's probably really the STL of libc++ which can't handle incomplete types.
For me, that's a little bit unfortunate, because I have no option to reproduce the errors. And the fact that the short code I posted works for your Apple Clang doesn't make it easier to find the source of the issue... :/