Wow, must have been a real pain... 
Yeah, the build system played some nasty tricks on me, and the global static Context/Window, initialized before the SFML is even called, caused a crash that was difficult to track down

Android C/C++ apps are also launched very peculiarly (it's really a Java environment that calls various hooks / event handlers in the application .so library, with android_main() usually started in a separate thread) - not a classic executable with a main()..
I am actually wondering if you have changed the public interface any?
No, but I expect we'll have to add new APIs do deal with:
- resources loading (everything is a zip-like .apk, not extracted, by default) - currently I extract assets/ in the cache directory and chdir() there as a work-around
- detect touchscreen presence (only clicks and drag&drop's, no "passive" mouse move)
- possibly specific features such as multi-touch, accelerometer, etc. - at least providing access to the global JNI object