Whoops, silly me. I'll let myself out. :p
In SFML 2.0 you now got the class Transform with which you can transform anything and the sprite class has a function getTransform() to get the transform object of the sprite class.
sf::Vector2f point = transform.transformPoint(sprite.getTransform());
is the code you gave the same as this old code?
sf::Vector2f pos = Object.TransformToGlobal(sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
What were I thinking when writing this... But it should've been really easy for you to figure out with the documentation how to use it.
SFML 1.6
sf::Vector2f pos = Object.TransformToGlobal(sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
SFML 2.0
sf::Transform = Object.getTransform();
sf::Vector2f pos = transform.transformPoint(sf::Vector2f(0, 0));
When you're done with the conversion, will you add it to the wiki?