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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #60 on: May 09, 2015, 01:05:19 am »
No joy with Wine. :( I'll wait for a Linux build then.


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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #61 on: May 09, 2015, 02:24:25 pm »
eXpl0it3r, thanks for the feedback! I agree with most of your concerns... I noticed quite a few imperfections short before releasing... But it would have delayed it even further. I can't promise though when I'll get the time to fix them, first priority is Linux build now ;)

I also found that the lazy loading is remarkable, but I thought it was just my computer, as nobody mentioned it for earlier versions. I think it's better if I pre-load the resources, either at the beginning or when starting a level.

Yes, I didn't want to spoil the availability of rockets, rolling bombs and mines from the beginning. There's another unlockable key for the jetpack. Out of curiousity, what key binding are you using?

About the slope collision: does it mainly happen when you climb a slope, then switch directions (so that you're facing downhill) and want to jump right after? Or even when you walk downhill continuously?

Sliding is in its first version and thus still somewhat experimental, but it definitely makes some parts more challenging (which is also intentional to some extent). I think the labyrinth may require some deeper thought, it seems like everybody hates it :D any ideas how I could improve it? Maybe a larger-scale labyrinth where the corridors are bigger and there are also enemies and everything?
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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #62 on: May 11, 2015, 02:53:25 pm »
I wanted to update my Ubuntu distribution (12.04 -> 14.04) because I couldn't meaningfully update Code::Blocks alone, and the version I had was a huge pain to work with. After the distro update taking a whole night (!), the filesystem was corrupted, preventing me from booting. Even with a live USB key and Windows' chkdsk I wasn't able to restore the filesystem, so I decided to reinstall everything, as I didn't feel like wasting more hours debugging and configuring. Coincidentally the development of Wubi (the Linux system hosted on a Windows partition) has been discontinued and is no longer available officially, but I'm sure I'll find another version. I can't install a regular dual-boot because the Windows partition can't be shrunk more than a few megabytes.

In any case, that was yet another nice lession to learn about Linux... and it's really unfortunate, as I planned to come up with a Linux build for Zloxx during the weekend. Under these circumstances it may take quite a bit longer longer. Considering that now nothing works anymore, I also have to set up the whole build chain again, including SFML, Thor, Boost and all their dependencies. Sorry guys :-\
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AW: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #63 on: May 11, 2015, 03:19:27 pm »
Ah man :(

Had to reconfigure things on my server after a dist upgrade, at least it kept running.
If you want, I might still be able to make a build on my Debian VM.
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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #64 on: May 12, 2015, 01:24:24 pm »
Nexus, why don't you use a virtual machine? I'm sure you can even work things out without a graphical interface (because installation is very quick in that case, and setting up the development environment as well; since you use CMake anyway, it should be easy).


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Zloxx 2.3.1 released!
« Reply #65 on: May 12, 2015, 08:49:08 pm »
Zloxx 2.3.1 released - Linux support

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I eventually managed to overcome the problems and installed Ubuntu 14.04 (there was a Wubi version hidden in their live USB). As usual, it didn't work directly, I had to fiddle with the boot loader before being able to even log in. The first provided answer is just a temporary solution which has to be re-applied every time on startup; the second then did the job. I will never understand why these basic things can't just work -- does Canonical not even test if major operating system releases labeled "long-term support" function? Bugs are one thing, but being broken to the point where the system doesn't boot, in a fresh installation, is totally unacceptable in my opinion.

Anyway, the Linux build is available now :)

I used the opportunity of version 2.3.1 to implement some of eXpl0it3r's suggestions:
  • Load several resources when starting the game, in a background thread
  • Improved Zloxx staying on slopes when changing directions
  • Slightly reduced inertia for Zloxx; used separate values for standing on the ground (friction) and being in air.
  • Generalized a few signposts (I didn't like to write "default key" everywhere though)

I hope the Linux build works... I'm never sure with shared libraries. I've put SFML, Thor and Boost inside a ./Runtime folder because the C++ ABI is mostly binary-incompatible and you need exactly the same version. For SFML's dependencies, which are C libraries, I assume that they are installed on the target system. Same for g++ runtime libraries.

Tank, yes, the VM would be an option... I prefer native systems though if possible, as they give me the full flexibility and performance. In the past things have worked relatively well. I must just memorize to never touch the running system anymore :D
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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #66 on: May 12, 2015, 09:13:51 pm »
In your case it's definitely Wubi who is to blame. What a mess, I can feel your frustration.

VMs nowadays use hardware virtualization of your CPU, so there's literally no overhead. Some GPUs can also be directly used. It's for sure good enough for building software and seeing if it works. Just so you know that this alternative is at least better than Wubi destroying your data. :-)

Thanks for the build, I gonna try it tomorrow!


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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #67 on: May 12, 2015, 09:19:14 pm »
Yeah I never had any problem with Ubuntu instalations (nor a lot of other distributions) but I don't know what this Wubi thing is.

Anyway, I tried your game on Linux Mint and it works very well! Thanks for the effort you put in the linux support!

I just have one think to say: You would prefer to archive the game in a ".tar.gz" archive instead of "7z" if you want to be sure anyone on linux can extract it, even if default common archive manager handle 7z (afaik, Ubuntu and Mint ones do)


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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #68 on: May 13, 2015, 08:58:23 am »
It works, yay! :)

Here are some points from me:
  • I was confused by how to create a new profile: A blinking cursor (or cursor at all) would be nice for the textfield. Also a hint "Press Enter to confirm".
  • Show the key assignments right next to the special weapons as a reminder.
  • The labyrinth... You almost lost me there. I wasted 4 lives and more nerves. ;-) The balancing after the labyrinth was perfect, again. So some less spikes or:
  • The acceleration/friction is quite well, but for my taste it could be higher. Timing the movement to stop between spikes was often very difficult.
  • When trying to jump right after landing on something, it sometimes doesn't work -- most likely due to my not perfect timing. Maybe be a little bit more forgiving?
  • In 2-2, albeit it doesn't look difficult, I had no idea that I can jump off a falling platform. Therefore: Lost all my 6 lives and weapons. :( Maybe add a puzzle prior that level where one has to jump off a falling platform without actually dying, so that it can be practiced.
  • Also in 2-2, the second puzzle is not predictable that quick (where you have to jump off the 2nd platform, go around, and jump on it really fast). I guess that everybody at least loses one life there. Not a big deal, but it's frustrating to not be *able* to properly handle it the first time.

I stopped at 2-2 because I lost everything and the first two puzzles made me angry. :D

In general I really enjoy the game. The graphics are neat, the music is ok. The difficulty, at least for me, is really tough at some spots. I don't like that you can lose everything, because there are some spots that require experimentation, at the cost of losing lives. But yeah, one can live without weapons, so I guess that's alright.


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AW: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #69 on: May 13, 2015, 09:31:07 am »
The controls are a lot better!
As for the labyrinth I think all that would need to be done is increase the time the spikes are hidden. The thing is doable but it takes ALOT of patience and you always have to stop and wait a few cycles to be sure to be in sync.

I mean passing the spikes is one thing, but having to jump up or down onto a spike platform and then having to move forward takes millisecond precision. If you jump when the spikes are down, you're too late, you really have to wait and jump as soon as the spikes are in the process of going down. And if you hang somewhere you already lose energy.

One other thing that can make the rather frustrating is when enemies spawn when you're about to land on that spot.
It's a great mechanic but I think it's overused. Sometimes the movement on platforms while dodging arrows is hard enough that one doesn't need extra surprises.
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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #70 on: May 13, 2015, 10:02:03 am »
Let's record when we play, eXpl0it3r, so Nexus can see where we mess up. ;)


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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #71 on: May 13, 2015, 10:27:00 am »
Thank you both for the nice feedback!

Recording would be awesome, and definitely funny to watch! :D
And I think it would really help me get a feeling where other players struggle.

I think one problem with the labyrinth is also that it comes quite early. Only the third level, and it's definitely the biggest challenge in the Forest/Meadow area (levels 1-x)... Maybe I should put it further back. Or provide a life before the labyrinth.
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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #72 on: May 13, 2015, 10:47:29 am »
Disclaimer: It was the first time I met the ropes. :P


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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #73 on: May 13, 2015, 11:20:24 am »
Mastered 2-2, but 2-3, wow, that's hard. I'm at where the 3 ropes are, I had 4(!!!) lives (earning them was hard), lost them all because I always concisely missed the third and shortest rope, thus falling down into lava. Some spots really make me ragequit. ;)


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Re: Zloxx II - An action Jump'n'Run
« Reply #74 on: May 13, 2015, 02:47:03 pm »
"While you are reading this, a rock strikes you". Seriously, stop that. ;)