Pikmeier, a warm welcome to the SFML forum, where even newbies get appropriate help!

Seriously, there's a big misunderstanding by newbies, very often. You stated that you're new to programming (C++) and SFML. That implies you will at least have problems with a) programming C++ in general, b) understanding C++ code design principles and c) using SFML (together with a and b!).
Up to now, you've probably been able to build some programs that "just run" – *somehow*, but unfortunately you're running into a big problem now, which is often the result of tens or hundreds of other small problems.
So you post in this forum, describe your problem, and because you don't really know where it comes from (because you actually don't have a clue what everything does in detail, or you got lost because of a bad code design), you paste a lot of source code.
That's the first sign for an experienced user that someone is having *problems with basics*, if it's C++ programming or using SFML.
There's really no insulting intended, but imagine you've been through all of that, i.e. you learned your stuff and are now in a position to provide help. Nobody learns from getting replies in a forum, that's just for specific problems that you can't solve. Instead you read bundled information, like books, SFML tutorials or even source code of other projects.
But one thing is *really* for sure: When an experienced user throws "RTFM" or "Read a C++ book, learn the basics!" at you, then chances are high that she or he is, guess what, just right.

On IRC a lot of newbies come and go, a lot are asking very basic questions which can be solved by giving them a link to SFML's Doxygen documentation. And often we hear something like "Oh thanks, I haven't yet seen that docs!". You know what that implies? It implies that the proper user did not click on "Documentation" on the website. And especially those users often yell "Why can't you just help me instead of telling me to read myself?"..
So, the main reason why you're getting "RTFM" is that it's a waste of time to explain things to you that are explained in books/articles already, you just have to read them.
Besides of that, also very common, you were able to sort out your problem yourself by investing some more thinking and time into it. *That's* how you learn stuff, not by asking for the fixed source code.
So please don't feel insulted when people tell you to learn your stuff, there's a reason behind it. If you've got *specific* problems we're for sure happy to help you, or general questions about game design etc.
And again, welcome!