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Author Topic: BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML  (Read 2350 times)

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BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« on: July 27, 2012, 01:07:06 pm »
Hey there!
As some of you may already know from this topic I created a new blog with a friend to document our ramblings through a coders life. We will post about general concepts regarding game development and show some prototypes and implementations in C# and C++. Currently there are two main series in the making:
  • Prototyping framework for SFML.net and C#: A simple framework with some base classes to speed up development of new game concepts. This will be a series of short, sometimes unrelated posts, coping with thoughts on game concepts and what we need to set them up. Maybe there will be a framework or engine later on when some useful snippets assemble but this is not the short time goal
  • LScape, a procedural landscape generation library: It is a library written in C++ that will generate a wide variety of terrains and output them to a 2D height map. There will be an opener to this series today, or maybe tomorrow.
We also got a git repository where you can skim through the code we generate when we struggle to manifest our ideas in code. The repo is not full synched with the blog, so beware of not-working code and bad formatting when you browse the code before it was used in an article ;)

As always feedback, ideas and critics are highly welcome!



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Re: BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2012, 07:04:05 pm »
Wille LScape be similar to libnoise?

Btw you should probably link your blog in here too and another link to the repo would also be usefull. Additionally is the 'K' of Kode in the title wanted or should it rather be Code? ;)
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Re: BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2012, 08:19:19 pm »
It will pick up some features libnoises uses too. But it will be focused more on the generation of playable terrains. We are working on a procedural world generator for RPGs which uses our lib. So our focus is not only located on the algorithms to genereate noise, it extends to the generation and manipulation to achieve worlds which provide a solid grounding for games.

Blog link : http://beyondtheblur.wordpress.com/
Repo link : https://github.com/floAr/BeyondTheBlur

« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:34:17 pm by floAr »


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Re: BeyondTheBlur: Ramblings over Kode and SFML
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2012, 05:20:21 pm »
First post of prototyping framework is online, new one are sheduled over the next 2 weeks. And the C# source code for the first 6 installments are placed in the repo ;)

