So I have come to the point in my engine, where I will need the user to input a string into a little box in the window. It seems I have two choices for this, either 1, I can try to create my own mini window and take a crash course on the win32 library functions to try to figure out how to implement and read from a basic text box. Or I can try to find some sort of Library such as Qt or WxWidgets, and use some of their build in functions for it.
Now having never done any three of the above options, I really was hoping to get some personal input on the subject, as to what you would recommend and possibly why. I do think making my own system for message box's and input would give much more custom control, but at the same time, it seems like a big chance for me to create a lot of inefficient/possibly unstable code because I have never used text box's before, ever. ^^;; The only popup experience I have is a win32 message box that accepts yes or no. >.>
So yes I would love to hear your input. Like I said if possible I would like to have the box within the window itself, and not another separate popup window. It would basically have two buttons and a text box. Let me know what you think, and huge thanks in advance!